
Doctors and Patients of Courage Membership

An organization for people interested in or affected by the War on Doctors and Patients and the damaging government overreach into medicine who want to support the work that will end the government attack on compassionate, caring medical professionals; return pain management to those who need it; and get the government out of the doctor's office.

Bringing Medicine to the 21st Century

The purpose of this course is to bring awareness to the participants of how to use natural medicine to treat themselves, cure their own illnesses, and prevent chronic disease instead of the current dependence on conventional medical doctors who only know how to maintain disease, not cure it or prevent it. 

Various alternative medical programs will be taught so attendees can then reach out to practitioners that can help them get to the cause of their disease and cure it. The science of homeopathy and other energy medicines are examined.  The 7 Steps to Healing and the Seven Pillars of Health are explained, and attendees are helped in their application of these processes to their lifestyle. Diet, as a critical part of healing, is presented. 

There are a lot more individual subjects in the course, and we are open to new ideas as well.